

Dr. Isaías Rivera Rodríguez :: Jurídica Especialistas de Occidente

Dr. Isaías Rivera Rodríguez.

Lawyer, Universidad de Guadalajara, Ph.D in Law by Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Magna Cum Laude. Agrarian Cooperativism Certification issued by Centro de Estudios Económicos y Laborales para América Latina, in the State of Israel; Certification in Public Policy of the Agrarian Sector and Rural Development by Instituto Nacional de Administración Pública (National Institute of Administration). Dean of the School of Law, Universidad Panamericanana, Campus Guadalajara and Associate Director of the Firm.

In the Public Sector, he served as Reviewing Officer of the Mixed Agrarian Commission of Jalisco. In the same organism he served also as Procurator of Agrarian Affairs, Deputy director of Agrarian Affairs of the state government and Coordinator of the National Rural Land Registry and Land Ownership Regularization Program. He collaborated in the Directive Offices of Agrarian Rights and the General Directive Office of Legal Affairs of the Ministry of Agrarian Reform. Agrarian Procurator of the Republic (2002/2006).

Has given several conferences and has published specialized studies on agrarian topics. National Mexican Agrarian Award "Andrés Molina Enriquez", by Facultad de Estudios Superiores Acatlán, UNAM, Ciudad de México, and Agrarian Courts. Agrarian Law Cathedratic in the School of Law of Universidad Panamericanana and other national and foreign higher education institutions. Author of the books "El nuevo Derecho Agrario Mexicano" (New Agrarian Law of Mexico), edited by McGraw Hill Interamericana, and "Derecho Agrario Integral" (Comprehensive Agrarian Law), Casa Editorial Porrúa; co- author of "El Derecho desde sus Disciplinas" (Law Studied from its Disciplines), of the same publisher, covering the agrarian topic.

Lic. Carlos Grimaldo Chávez :: Jurídica Especialistas de Occidente

M. en D. Carlos Grimaldo Chávez.


Lawyer, Universidad Enrique Díaz de León, incorporated to Universidad de Guadalajara (1998/2003); postgraduate studies with Specialization in Obligations and Contract Law, Civil and Commercial Procedural Law in Universidad Panamericanana, campus Guadalajara. Postgraduate studies with Specialization in Obligations and Contract Law, Constitutional and Protection Law, and Civil and Commercial Procedural Law all by the Universidad Panamericana, Guadalajara Campus. Certification in Procedural Constitutional Law by the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation.

Agrarian Lawyer in the Agrarian Prosecutor's Office adjoined to the Residence of Guadalajara, State of Jalisco; served as Legal and Registry Subdelegate and the National Agrarian Registry, Delegation of Jalisco; served as Coordinator of the PROCEDE federal program in the Agrarian Prosecutor's Office, in the State of Jalisco (2003-2004), and Area Director adjoined to the General Director of Organization of the Rural Property, with special commissions for the States of Jalisco, Oaxaca and Mexico City (2004-2006).

On the academic side, he has given conferences in Agrarian Law in Centro Universitario de la Costa Sur, Universidad de Guadalajara and Confederación de Colegios y Asociaciones de Abogados de México, A.C.; served as Delegate in the V International Congress in Agrarian Law, La Habana, Cuba.

M. en D. Alma Angelina Rodríguez Verduzco :: Jurídica Especialistas de Occidente

M. en D. Alma Angelina Rodríguez Verduzco.

Lawyer, Universidad Colima; Master in Public Law, Universidad Panamericana, Magna Cum Laude, where she completed the Specialization in Administrative Law and Constitutional Law and Amparo; completed the Philosophy of Law and Juridical Research Seminar; performed Leadership studies at Instituto Panamericano de Alta Dirección de Empresa (IPADE); completed Result Orientation and Team Work Certification by Universidad Iberoamericana.

She has served as Deputy Lawyer in the Higher Agrarian Court; served as Delegate and Head of the National Agrarian Registry in the States of Nayarit and Jalisco; served as Deputy Delegate in Registry and Juridical Issues of the same National Agrarian Registry, in the Delegation of Colima; served as Counselor in the Offices of the Ministry of the Agrarian Reform, Mexico City.

She has participated in courses provided by the Supreme Court of Justice on Agrarian Law; participated in the XIV and XV National Agrarian Law Congress, organized by the Higher Agrarian Court, Universidad Panamericana campus Guadalajara, and FES Acatlán (UNAM) and on registry studies, by the National Agrarian Registry.